Japan faces the threat of power shortages this summer due to the earthquake in March of this year. Jack-of-all-trades manufacturer, Kyocera, quickly came up with a solution to do their part to save energy. Kyocera, most commonly known in the U.S. as a mobile phone and telecom company, thought on their feet and decided to expand on their solar panel array on the rooftop of their plant in Tanagura, Fukushima.
The first day of operation of the full installation was on June 30th. The solar power system went from producing 194 kW and now generates 230 kW. This should cover 8.2% of the plant's energy needs; not quite meeting the goal of 15% electricity consumption reduction. Kyocera still intends to meet this goal by taking steps to reduce the electricity - ways in which everyone can do in their homes in businesses. Along with the use of san diego solar, the plant is also planning on using power generators, keeping lights turned off in parts of the building that aren't being used, running computers on the low-power mode and turning the AC up a notch to 82 degrees.
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