Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Solar-California.org Launched To Help California Homeowners Save Money On Energy

San Diego gets props again this week - it was ranked as making its way toward being one of the leading cities in the country in solar use. According to the new website Solar-California.org, San Diego solar energy boasts around 6,000 installations and the most solar rooftops in California.

Solar-California.org is a great informational new website created by green energy lead generation company, Clean Energy Experts. The purpose of the site is to help residents and residence owners of California save money by installing solaire in their home. As an educational site, it explains the benefits of having a solar panel installation on your house, what the homeowner should know before installation and the installation process itself.

Equally a handy tool as it is educational, Solar-California.org assists prospective customers figure out which solar rebates and tax incentives they would be eligible for and how to get financing for a new project. There is a calculator that estimates how much the homeowner will save per year with solar energy and free consultations are available by Clean Energy Experts that provide a price quote from an approved directory of local solar panel installers.

1 comment:

  1. im really interested in knowing more about Solar Energy. Is there any place in San Diego where I can go and get information in person?
